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Childcare Fees
C&K has over 30 childcare centres throughout Queensland and as a not-for-profit organisation, we aim to keep fees affordable for families and have developed a fee system to maximise family access to available subsidies.
What are my childcare fees?
Childcare fees for C&K childcare centres are different for each centre and are available to view on the centre’s web page. Fees are updated every year in July. All C&K childcare centres are approved for the Australian Government's Child Care Subsidy (CCS). We also receive Queensland Government funding for our kindergarten program delivered in our childcare centres. In 2024, eligible-age children may receive 15 hours per week of free kindy for 40 weeks (up to a maximum of 600 hours a year).
Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
The Australian Government helps families with the cost of childcare by subsidising fees to reduce out-of-pocket costs.
To be eligible for CCS you must:
- Care for a child 13 or younger who’s not attending secondary school, unless an exemption applies
- Use an approved childcare service
- Be responsible for paying the childcare fees
- Meet residency and immunisation requirements.
The amount of CCS you are entitled to will depend on the following:
- What your combined family income is
- How much ‘recognised’ activity you and your partner undertake each fortnight
- The number and age of children you have in approved care.
To learn about CCS and check your eligibility, please visit the Services Australia website.
Free Kindy from 2024
Free Kindy is a Queensland Government initiative that enables families with eligible-age children (turning 4 by 30 June in the year they attend kindergarten) access to 15 hours of free kindergarten per week. The subsidy is provided for 40 weeks/600 hours per calendar year.
Funding is available when a qualified early childhood teacher delivers the kindergarten program in a government-approved sessional kindergarten, childcare centre or C&K extended hours kindergarten. Please confirm the program days with your centre's Director.
To receive the Free Kindy subsidy, your child must be enrolled in an approved kindergarten program for at least 15 hours per week.
The CCS is applied to your kindergarten fees before the Free Kindy subsidy and is paid directly to the centre. The Free Kindy subsidy is then applied to reduce the out-of-pocket costs for attending an approved kindergarten program
Families will be required to pay for the hours a child is enrolled over and above the 15 hours per week subsidised by Free Kindy. The CCS will apply to any remaining hours, depending on families’ entitlements.
All eligible-aged children can receive the Free Kindy subsidy, regardless of CCS eligibility.
Free kindy funding will end once you’ve reached 40 weeks/600 hours per year of the kindergarten program.
Please check your eligibility for free kindy below:
- Your child must be of eligible-age (turning 4 by 30 June, in the year they attend a kindy program).
- Only one centre can claim the funding subsidy for your child for free kindy.
- If your child is enrolled in another childcare centre, you can only access the free kindy subsidy at one centre, and you will need to choose which centre you'd like the funding applied to.
- If your child is enrolled in a government-approved kindergarten program at a community kindergarten they are not eligible for free kindy at our childcare centre as the funding will be applied to the community kindergarten.
Flexible booking options
At C&K we appreciate that each family is different with individual needs. We offer flexible booking options, designed to help you maximise your CCS and access to early childhood education and care while minimising out-of-pocket costs.
We have three options available:
- A full day
- 9-hour session
- 10-hour session
Our 9 and 10 hour sessions work in with your schedule and start once your child is signed in, they do not have set start and finish times.
What if I have more questions about fees?
You can read more about C&K's fee policy here.
Kidsoft and the Australian Childcare Alliance Queensland have created a free kindy calculator for families to estimate their out-of-pocket cost for their eligible-age child attending a kindy program at a C&K childcare centre.
Please contact us if you have any other questions.