Enrolment Application


Complete the application and join our waitlist today.

Parent Details

Complete your details.

Child(ren) Details

Complete your child(ren) details.

Select Centre(s)

Choose the centre(s) you wish to enrol at.


Review and submit your application.

Thank you

Thank you.

Enrolment Application

Join our waitlist now, it only takes a few minutes to complete the application form.

Welcome to C&K's enrolment application form. Upon completion, you will be added to our waitlist for free!

You can submit an application for multiple children and C&K centres in one form. To begin, click start enrolment and enter your mobile number to receive a verification code. You can return to the form anytime to complete your application by entering your mobile number and receiving a new verification code.

Once your enrolment application is submitted your child will be placed on the waitlist for that centre. Enrolment offers are made between May and July in the year prior to your child attending kindergarten. Places are offered to eligible-aged children in order as listed on the waitlist. You will be notified by email and text message when a place is available. Enrolment offers can be made throughout the year as places become available.

Once your enrolment application is submitted your child will be placed on the waitlist for that centre. Places are offered to children as they become available in order as listed in the waitlist. You will be notified by email and text message when a place is available.

Once you submit your enrolment application, you will receive an email confirmation with the details of your application.

To secure your place on our waitlist, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible at your preferred C&K centre.
